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Got a PW story?  Got links?  Got scoop?  Got a theory?

What woke you up?  What exactly was your own “What The FUCK” moment?

Look, I can’t do all the work.  I have a career and an empire of my own to manage so I’ll take help from anyone and most of the time I’ll even claim it as my own.  That’s the kind of bitch I am.  Unless you threaten me, then I’ll definitely give you credit.  Unless it’s really witty.  I take all the witty credit.

I want to be witty.  Really I do.


Shit, wrong post.

Drop me a line and tell your story.  I may publish it.  I may plagerize it.  I may just frame it and hang it over my toilet.  But won’t you have fun waiting to see just what exactly I do with it?

[email protected]

barbara July 20, 2011 at 4:17 pm
Just read her tripe about roping, and lots of sheeple were commenting on the purple “flowy” top. Cripes! Everything from that “designer” is 700.00 FOR A BLOUSE! Keepin’ it REEl…

Kay@BlueSpeckledPup July 29, 2011 at 10:41 am
I can’t remember if I sent you these already, and I make no claims as to my sanity or the efficacy of my memory, but here are the links to my writing about Ree and the other stuff related to her. Feel free to tell me to shove off. (the original post) (the follow up about how people like Ree Drummond affect real bloggers)

I love your site. You snark like no other.


Kay@BlueSpeckledPup July 29, 2011 at 10:42 am
Shit. I just realized I posted that as a comment and didn’t email it. It’s early in the morning and I’ll email you instead. I can’t delete it, but feel free to on your end.

Thanks, sorry. God, I’m lame.

Cypress Sandy August 13, 2011 at 8:15 pm
Well I have to say this blog has absolutely consumed about the last 24 hours of my life. I came across the PW website a few weeks ago. Since then I actually forgot the name of “that blog” and Googled something of the sorts and hit ENTER on the Holy Grail of Fantastic PW Humor. You are now bookmarked as an all time favorite and Binko is also well loved because I saw a picture of Frontera wine in her shopping cart in the cabbage/wounded knee blog. I feel as if I have just discovered a nugget of gold in a dry creek bottom. You are awesome. If you see another “cypress” someone from Texas, it is probably my Mom. We are cumulatively obsessed!

Cypress Sara August 13, 2011 at 8:51 pm
Yep! I’m coming in on the tingly hiney of my daughter, Cypress Sandy.

Who ARE you people???
Besides fabulous and funny!

This is the greatest thing I’ve read in quite some time.
Now off to admonish my adorable, sparkly blue eyed, intelligent, horse riding daughter for sending me this link.
I have spent millions and millions of hours on this site and damn near burned my toast with lobs of butter.
Write on to PWS and Blinko!……and all.
Love you so so so!!

I get around like a drunken slut!

Help keep me supplied with liquor!

Awesome Bitches

Marlboro Woman Pie Near Woman

Coolest people EVER! They help pay the bills around here and keep me supplied in whiskey.

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Ree-isms at their best….

“I love not having to whip out annoying euphemisms like “Developmentally Disabled” or “Mentally Challenged” or “Intellectually Delayed.” As a blood relative of a retarded person, I’m automatically exempt. I get to say retarded. Retarded.” ~Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman

“…I have to admit, I sometimes like using the “r” word just to watch people squirm. Sometimes when I’m feeling particularly ornery, if someone in a conversation casually says, “retard” or “retarded”, I put on a dejected face and say, “Um, my brother is retarded. I don’t appreciate that.” I can usually last about 3.2 seconds through the look of terror on their face before I burst out laughing.” ~Ree Drummond, The Pioneer woman


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